Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lizzie Sue - Happy 11 Months Old!!!

Dear Lizzie Sue,

A few weeks ago you turned 11 months old! Please explain to Daddy how you seem to make time disappear and calendars move so quickly? It feels like just the other day Daddy was writing your 10 month old post with aspirations to squeeze another post in before this post and to actually write this post on time. Double wrong! Daddy is sure all the Lizzie Sue Groupies understand with the craziness of the Holiday Season how time has flown by and why this post is so late. Anyway as always here you are with Roxie Bear!

Part of the reason it has taken Daddy so long to write this post is because over the last month you have become so much more of a little person and not just a bump on a log. You pull up on everything, play with everything, try to eat everything, walk holding onto the furniture and just recently you've been standing all on your own, not holding onto anything. All of these things are reasons why Daddy loves to just play with you or sit in amazement watching you whenever he has the free time, instead of writing blogs...Sorry! The "no-hander" typically happens when you are holding onto something with one hand and playing with a toy in the other. You then let go of what you are holding onto to and play with the toy using both hands. You typically stand there for 5 to 10 seconds all on your own before you realize you aren't holding onto anything. At that point you either panic, drop the toy, and grab for the couch with both hands, or you very delicately and gracefully just sit down and continue playing with your toy. Mommy and Daddy have been working on getting you standing more and more on your own everyday to hopefully build the confidence you need to realize you can walk. We all also learned, while at Pop's and Yaya's house for Thanksgiving, that covering your face to play peak-a-boo while you are standing on your own isn't a great idea. Apparently you seem to loose your balance when you can't see anything...our bad!

Since Daddy mentioned Thanksgiving and Daddy's hungry, let's talk about food for a bit. You have been doing such a great job of feeding yourself over this past month. You push the chair into the kitchen, climb up on the counter, get out the peanut butter and jelly and make your own lunches. Ok so maybe your not there yet, but at least you are doing a better job of getting the food into your mouth and not all over your face. Granted pasta sauce or crock pot cooked, pot roast seasoned vegetables are a little messy, but still you are doing great. We do find it funny that the hardest decision you've ever been presented with at the dinner table is asparagus or green peppers. No, not a decision of should I eat those weird healthy green things, but you love both of them so much, sometimes we can see the brain overload when you can't decide which one to pick up and devour first.

Daddy is going to cut this post short so he has stuff to talk about later this month as we prepare for the best time of year, yes Christmas but also Lizzie Sue's Birthday!!! One year old is almost here and it's going to be one crazy holiday week at our house getting ready to host Christmas and celebrate your birthday. More on the holidays and our traumatic holiday card photo shoot to come soon. Until next time...

We Love You,

Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lizzie Sue - Happy 10 Months Old!!!!

Dear Lizzie Sue,

Two weeks ago you turned 10 months old! That's crazy, not only crazy that it's taken Daddy two weeks to write this post (Daddy blames you...we'll get to that later) but also crazy that you are in double digits! One month closer to being a year old. As Daddy has said before, it makes sense, you were born on Christmas Eve and it's getting to the holiday season, yet at the same time, nobody can believe it's almost been a year already! As always here you with Roxie Bear.

This past month can be summed up with the one not the word everyone is thinking, teething....the word is family. One, Mommy, Daddy and you have been spending and enjoying more and more time together as a family...Two, Grammie Sue and Gramps were here to visit for a week...and C, we all took a trip down to CT to visit Daddy's cousin's family and you finally got to meet GG (Great Grandma) Moenke. So not only has Daddy been busy with work and enjoying being home after all of that family visit/travel, you are demanding more and more of Daddy's time everyday. Long gone are the days that you slept for 18 hours of the day...some days it feels like we are now at the opposite that you are awake for 18 hours and craving attention every minute of it. Even when you go down for a nap, all Daddy can do is crash on the couch exhausted and enjoy the few minutes to himself before running off to do laundry, dishes, take out the trash, clean up all the toys and the thousand other things that always need to be done around the house. So long story short, you've been keeping Mommy and Daddy pretty busy lately, but we wouldn't have it any other way!

Grammie Sue and Gramps stayed at the McCusker B&B for a week. They use the excuse of coming up to VT to go to all the restaurants they enjoy up here, but sshhhh they really come to just see you! They hadn't seen you since our trip to Pittsburgh back in July. You were about 7 months at that point and a lot has changed in the last three months. Before when Grammie Sue or Gramps could just put you on the floor to play, you'd roll over a bit, maybe even sit up with some help. This past visit if either of them put you down on the were off like the Flash crawling away at lightning speeds to go grab some toy to play with or some cat to chase. At the same time you were even more fun to play with for them because you could sit up, pick up toys better, and laughed all the time when they would tickle you or smother you in kisses. You even helped Gramps with one of his many projects around the house...Daddy guesses it's never too early to start you using power tools right? We all know that Grammie Sue and Gramps can't wait to get back up to VT and see you again, so don't worry they will be back in December for your birthday and Christmas.

Also this past month we took a trip to the South West corner of CT to visit Daddy's Cousin. His youngest of 3 kids was being baptized so we went down for the weekend to catch up with some of Daddy's family. You traveled really well for not starting the 5 hour drive until 4pm since Mommy was working a football game until then. Aside from having one "get me out of this torture device of a car seat" meltdown, which actually timed around us stopping for dinner pretty well, you were great in the car. You slept most of it, which was a blessing. Mommy and Daddy had a great time seeing some of Daddy's family, some of which we haven't seen since our wedding but really everyone wanted to see you. The top of that list was GG Moenke. You were the only one of her 8 great grandchildren she hadn't held yet, so that was something to get off her to do list as quickly as we could once we got to CT. Amazingly both nights that we were away from home you slept great. It looks like you knew you were to be on your best behavior in front of all the family or you really just like saving those 4am intermissions for Daddy...thanks!

With the holidays right around the corner, an 11 month post and a year old post will be here before Daddy knows it. Until then Daddy will work on getting another post or two in before your 11 month birthday post since we need to have a few conversations about your eating habits lately and this whole separation anxiety fun we are all experiencing. Until next time....

We Love You,

Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lizzie Sue - Happy 9 Months Old!!!!

Dear Lizzie Sue,

This week you turned 9 months old! 9 months??? That's just's like three quarters of a year...(wait for Daddy's public school math to catch up with everyone else)...hey wait, you are three quarters of a year old! Daddy said this week because for the first time in 9 months, Daddy wasn't home to see you on your monthly birthday. Daddy is actually writing this from BWI waiting to get on his plane back to VT...but more about that work trip later. As always here you are with Roxie Bear.

Update to the above comment about writing this from's now been two weeks since Daddy started this post at the airport and finally Daddy is getting around to finishing it. That just shows you how busy things have been around here lately. Ok back to the regularly schedule blog post...

Recently Daddy took a new job which allows him to work from home all the time. In Daddy's eyes this is one step closer to being the house husband he's always wanted to just to get Mommy that high paying job with the Steelers and Daddy doesn't have to work at all...hey Daddy can dream! Being home with you has been amazing. Daddy has been around more and feels more involved in helping raise you. It sound silly since Daddy was always involved before, but being home with you now 24-7 really changes that feeling. Mommy does go to work everyday at 1pm and Daddy has to juggle you and work by himself all afternoon. Thankfully you've had more good afternoons than bad afternoons and when the bad afternoons do happen, Daddy's work is very understanding about it. Thankfully working in the web world...Daddy can always make up work later in the evening when Mommy is home or you are asleep. Although it can be chaotic on those bad afternoons, Daddy wouldn't trade this new job, with the ability to spend more time with you, for anything in the world.

This past month you have really taken off into the feeding yourself races. Yes you still pick up the clumps of cat fur and try to eat them, but Daddy is talking about your feeding yourself real food. Mommy and Daddy have pretty much completely gone away from any thing we need to spoon feed you, aside from the random yogurt, to just giving you small pieces of whatever we are having for dinner. Again with this new high chair, you love to just sit in it, next to us at the dinner table, and chow away on anything we put in front of you. Recently you devoured asparagus like it was chocolate covered crack! Pretty much we haven't put a food in front of you that you didn't like, even to the point of you eating tomatoes the other day. That one really threw Mommy and Daddy for a loop as neither of us like tomatoes, so we aren't quite sure how you could like them so much. Still topping the charts as your number 1 favorite adult food for the time being has to be pizza crust. Mommy & Daddy could give you pizza crust every day 3x a day and you'd still chow down on it like it's the best food ever!

Daddy has a question for you...have you been reading his "how to be a dad" book when he hasn't been looking? Almost like clockwork this month started the separation anxiety, mostly from Mommy, but even from Daddy to a lesser degree. For the most part we aren't talking about horrific screaming when one of us leaves the room, but if given the option to be held by one of us, or anyone else at our church that you've known for the last 9 months, you'd pick Mommy or Daddy 9 times out of 10. Although while Daddy was away on this past work trip, again we had some of your favorite Norwich girls come over in the afternoons to babysit while Mommy was at work, and you weren't too happy with that at times. The hardest part was some days one of the babysitters would work a few hours and then another babysitter would come over for a few more hours until Mommy got home. Every time that happened, you heard someone come in the door and expected Mommy to be home. Once you realized it wasn't Mommy you weren't a happy camper to say the least. Needless to say our babysitters all agree that your screaming is giving them a complex...just kidding, but you still are a great form of birth control for keep up the good work pumpkin!

Lastly Daddy wants to apologize to Chip and Dale on your behalf. For those out there in the Lizzie Sue Blogisphere that don't know, those are Mommy and Daddy's two cats. They handled you coming into the family well...interested in the new thing in the house but trying to live their own lives and stay out of the room when you cried. They worked out new schedules of when they can steal attention from Daddy in the morning before you are up, or in the evening once you are down for the night...they have even been known to curl up next to you during nap time every once in a while. Hell they even don't seem to mind you playing with their cat toys as they have been known to bat your toys around ever so often, yet now that you are crawling/walking with help or holding onto things, their world has changed once again. They can no longer curl up and take a nap on the sofa as they don't really like being woken up by you performing CPR chest compressions on their chests. Even just laying down on the floor near Mommy or Daddy leaves them open to you mad dashing of a crawl over to them and "trying" to pet them. Daddy used the little quote fingers there because when he said "trying" really he meant you grabbing a hand full of fur and pulling. Daddy never realized cat skin/fur was so durable, yet another valuable lesson learning from parenthood. And for that Daddy owes you a thank you for teaching him that, and an apology to Chip and Dale for your skin care/fur treatment techniques. Don't worry Chip and Dale...another year or so and she'll be dressing you up in baby clothes and putting you in a stroller...

As Daddy writes this, Grammie Sue and Gramps just got home to Pittsburgh after a week long visit to the McCusker B&B. Keep your eyes posted for another post soon about their visit to VT!

We Love You,

Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, September 13, 2009

37 weeks, crawling, highchairs, big kitties and muskets

Dear Lizzie Sue,

You are 37 weeks old which is a weird time for Daddy. You are half way between 8 months and 9 months and Daddy is having a hard time knowing what to tell people when they ask how old are you. Should Daddy round down and just tell them you are 8 months old or should Daddy round up and make you 9 months old? Maybe Daddy should just confuse everyone and tell them you are 37 weeks old.

There is no doubt about it, you are crawling in the traditional crawling fashion at this point. If any of the Lizzie Sue groupies out there need the evidence, check out the video on youtube at Also this means you are now pulling up on everything and anything you can get your hands on. Also not only do you get your hands on it, you also started letting go with those hands and fearlessly taking that first step. Granted you've face planted the few times you attempted it, but that hasn't stopped you from still trying again.

Recently Mommy and Daddy got you a real high chair and that has totally changed your eating habits. Now you actually enjoy sitting down with us at the dinner table and you feed yourself. Since you never really showed an interest in the pureed foods, with this new high chair we've just been giving you little bits of pasta, fruit, pancakes, pizza crust, sweet potato fries, and your favorite - grilled cheese. You have been eating so much better in this new setting, both Mommy and Daddy are very happy even with having to pick up all the pasta off the floor and off your lap.

Daddy took you to campus to watch the Cavalry demo. You were in your stroller for the entire demo and watched every horse just as intently as you watch the kitties running around our house. Granted Daddy had you about 40 yards away from the demo, which is why Daddy thinks to you the horses did look like big kitties. Once you got nose to nose to one of the horses, your eyes were so big, Daddy could tell you were thinking "Wow this thing is huge, not a big kitty at all." Daddy thinks by spring time we'll have pictures of you riding one of those horses. Ok maybe the mini, but it's still a horse.

Lastly Daddy wants to mention you sitting through the Labor Day parade in town. Not only did you love the parade, watching the entire thing with that intense look of enjoyment and processing on your face, you never got scared during the loud parts. Daddy's not talking about a few loud sirens or air horns. You sat there smiling through the cannon fire, civil war reenactors shooting off muskets, loud rally cars and the thing that got you to smile the most was the 60 motorcycles riding by right in front of you. Mommy and Daddy figure Gramps will be happy to hear you enjoyed the motorcycles in the parade. We figure Mommy and Daddy are so bomb proofed from being around Norwich for so long, it must be in your DNA.

We Love You,

Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lizzie Sue - Happy 8 Months Old!!!!

Dear Lizzie Sue,

Today you turned 8 months old. Wow 8 months, already two thirds through the first year of you life...Daddy can't believe it. Before we know it, it will be there will be Christmas items on the shelves at walmart and you'll be turning one year old...and since walmart is already making room for Halloween stuff, it really is just around the corner. Daddy has tons to talk about this month so lets jump right to it, but first, here you are with Roxie Bear.

8 months equals 8 teeth? say what? Yes it is true... not only did that number 6 tooth Daddy talked about in the last post finally cut through this past Friday night, so did number 7 and 8 on the bottom. So now you've got 4 teeth on top and 4 teeth on bottom. Obviously these new teeth need to keep growing to match up with how big your first couple of teeth have become, yet 8 teeth at 8 months is just crazy. Also everything goes into your mouth lately, which is just a normal part of teething, but no more chewing on Daddy's knuckle when your teeth hurt. It wasn't that bad before but lately with all those extra teeth in there, Mommy and Daddy have had enough. We are at the point of teaching you that biting Mommy and Daddy is no longer ok. In an interesting side note, today you were playing on the floor with both your stuffed Monkey from Aunt Sarah and Uncle Matty and a stuffed Tigger that Daddy got you the other day. While you were wresting around with them, Daddy watched you grab each of them at one point or another and bite down on their ear!?!?! Daddy has heard of cats and dogs biting ears to establish who is the alpha in the pack, should Mommy and Daddy assume you are now the alpha in your pack of stuffed animals?

Since we are talking about you playing with these stuffed animals, Daddy wants to talk about some of your other toys. Lizzie Sue, you have four amazing grandparents that have totally embraced their roles as grandparents (read as totally spoil you). With that in mind, you do not lack nor want for toys...then explain to Daddy why your favorite toys are; an old tv remote control, a paper towel tube, a pair of your shoes, and any cat toys that are within reach. Seriously? The tv remote came about after Mommy and Daddy got tired of you trying to steal our remote and when you got it you would change channels on the tv. But the cat toys? Before Daddy said if they are within reach and by within reach Daddy meant in the room with you. The cat toys have had one positive, you've almost learned how to crawl because you so desperately want to get to those cat toys on the other side of the room. Daddy will come back to that crawling thing in a moment, but before then, can you do Daddy a favor and stick to playing with your toys? It's not that we mind you playing with the cat toys, it's that the cats have been so depressed about you playing with their toys lately that all they seem to do is sleep, eat, and just lay around the house. So for the sake of our furry children's mental well-being, please leave their toys alone...they don't play with your toys!

Crawling - you are even closer to crawling then where you were in Daddy's last post. You went to visit Mommy at work this past Saturday and while playing on a blanket on the side of a soccer field, which on a side note, you totally loved watching the girls playing soccer (maybe a future soccer player on our hands, who knows), you probably spent a solid 10 minutes on your hands and knees just rocking back and forth with this huge smile on your face. You've developed your own weird crawl/skootch/belly flop/army crawl that is getting you moving and moving towards those toys (remember your toys not the cat toys, thanks). Although your way to move does work, hopefully you'll just get this crawling thing down soon and we can move onto more important things like ice skating...ok fine we'll start with walking next and then maybe get to ice skating.

Daddy wants to talk about him working from home and spending more time with you during the day and all about Mommy going back to work...yet I'll save that for another post soon.

We Love You,

Mommy & Daddy

Monday, August 10, 2009

Lizzie Sue - Happy 7 Months Old!!!

Dear Lizzie Sue,

Happy 7 months old! Notice that Daddy didn't even say "today you are 7 months old" because this post is so overdue, Daddy might as well start working on the Happy 8 month post. With that in mind, most of your 7th month of life was spent traveling, as seen by the novel of a previous post. Still there are a few things to talk about and before all you are with Roxie Bear, in NH at Yaya and Pop's house.

Let's talk about teeth for a minute. While you were in Pittsburgh visiting Grammie Sue and Gramps, everyone thought you were starting to teeth again. After having two very lonely bottom teeth for the last few months, it was about time some other teeth came around to join them. Well while you were in NH at Yaya and Pop's house, your top two teeth came in. Then by the next weekend another top tooth has come in, just chilling out on the top of your right side with no pair below or pair across in sight. Well in about a week later Mommy and Daddy started to see signs that your lopsided top teeth would be balanced out. Hopefully that tooth will get here soon, since Daddy is writing this post 2 weeks late and that tooth still hasn't come in.

And then there's the rolling, let's talk about that. This past month you've mastered rolling over, front to back, back to front, side to side, top to bottom, you name it, you can roll it! This has made it interesting as you are a little bit more mobile when Mommy and Daddy put you down on the floor for two seconds, who knows how far you'll roll and what you'll get into while you are there. Luckily for us sometimes you get onto your belly and just decide to cry and stay there instead of roll over, which at least helps Daddy find you whenever you try to roll away and hide under the table or sofa. When you are on your belly, you are so close to crawling that it both scares Daddy that you'll be crawling soon, and makes Daddy happy cause that's one step closer to seeing you playing Rugby...ha ha. Even this past week you've gotten up in the crawling position and rocked back and forth, even once or twice when you realize you can't reach a toy you want, you launch yourself forward, willing to take the sacrifice digger to get that toy.

Speaking of taking diggers, this last month has been filled with you moving a lot more, which can be read as you taking tons of bumps and bruises. You are sitting up all on your own if put down in that position, you still don't have the whole, getting up to the sitting position from laying down just yet. Of course just like some crazy scientist throwing apples up in the air, what sits up, must fall down. You've knocked yourself a couple of times that way, yet the best thump happened the other day. Mommy and Daddy still aren't sure if you whacked yourself in the eyebrow with the ladle you were playing with or the edge of the metal mixing bowl you were using as a drum, yet either way you had a huge lump on your eyebrow and it took a while to calm you down after that one.

Well since it's almost time for Daddy to starting working on the 8 month post, this is enough for now. Maybe you'll be standing at the end of the drive way waiting for the school bus to pick you up for the first day of kindergarten before Daddy get's that next post written.

We love you,

Mommy & Daddy

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The WAY Overdue Vacation Post!!!

Dear Lizzie Sue,

As you can tell from the lack of posts over the last few weeks, July has been very busy for Mommy, Daddy and you too! Just so Daddy can keep it all straight, we drove 5 hours to Cape Cod for July 4th, we then flew from Manchester, NH to Pittsburgh, PA and spent a week with Grammie Sue & Gramps, then we flew home, Mommy did laundry for 3 days, then you drove to YaYa & Pop's house in NH and have been there for the last week. All of the traveling has been great, yet Daddy is looking forward to August and just being home for a while.

The Cape

We packed Mommy's car full between us, our bags, and all the other Lizzie Sue things that we had to bring for the trip. Daddy does miss when Mommy and Daddy used to be able to pack for an entire week away in one large suitcase together! We all got an early start Thursday before July 4th in an attempt to miss weekend/holiday Cape traffic. We were successful in that part of our plan and made it to the Cape relatively unscathed, aside from stopping somewhere after Boston because you just needed to get out of the car seat for a bit and stretch. Otherwise we made good time and didn't really hit any traffic. We stayed with Mommy & Daddy's friends, Guy & Ashley who have three kids - Olivia at 7, Hayden at 5, and Sophia at 2. Needless to say adding Mommy, Daddy, and you to the mix made for a full house and a lot of hungry mouths to feed come dinner time.

Olivia, Hayden, and Sophia were so excited to see you, play with you, hold you, bring you your toys, and Sophia even helped by putting your hat on you once (more over your face then on you head but still she was helping). You watched the kids constantly with a look on your face that a zoologist would have when watching animals in their natural habitat. You were intrigued by these, not big enough to be adults, but not small like me, sized humans. Daddy does have to say that Olivia has become such a wonderful and helpful young lady...she was great when we needed an extra hand.

While down on the Cape, you slept a lot. In hindsight Daddy is thinking there might have been a growth spurt in there somewhere cause you really slept that much! The morning of July 4th, we went to one of Ashley's families house that was right on a parade route and watched the parade. You sat in Mommy's lap and really enjoyed all the loud cars, music, people in costumes and all the bright colors. After the parade you racked out and were dead to the world. So asleep that Mommy had laid you down on a blanket in the back yard, only about 10 feet from the road, and an ambulance/fire trucks went by with sirens screaming and you never even flinched. We think that's cause you were riding in the back of the ambulance with Mommy for the first 32 weeks of your kangaroo pouch adventures in Mommy. Later that day we went to one of the pond beaches and you slept through most of that adventure too. We did get you to stand in the water for a little bit, but mostly you just wanted to sleep. Of course all of that was after you tried to eat sand. Of course you put everything in your mouth lately so why should this surprise anyone, it doesn't, its more the amount of time it took. We honestly put out a beach towel, laid you down on your back, and almost instantly you reached off the towel, grabbed a handful of sand, and brought it right to your mouth. Did you know that you were supposed to do that? Did someone tell you it's not a first trip to the beach adventure if you don't eat sand? Did it taste good at least?

The next day we all went to the real beach and it was windy, cold, the water was freezing, and you slept through most of it again. This time around we got a 15 second video of you putting your feet in the water. Yes only 15 seconds because that's how long it took for you to realize just how cold the ocean was and start screaming like a sailor with a man overboard. Daddy thought the water was fine, maybe that's the Vermonter in him or maybe Daddy was just happy not to be swimming in the Jersey oceans and having to avoid three eyed fish, bodies (not the crowded beach kind but the cement shoes kind) and other things that aren't supposed to be in the wada! Yes Daddy said wada, Daddy's from Jersey, that's how we say it...get over it already...and yes, Daddy will not be allowed to teach you how to say water...Mommy already made that rule!

Although we didn't want to leave and were having an awesome time on the Cape, and more importantly with Guy and Ashley, we eventually had to leave to get to the Manchester Airport. Luckily we decided to leave the Cape Monday afternoon, instead of Sunday or else we would have found ourselves in the 15 mile long bumper to bumper back up of cars trying to get off the Cape. Lizzie you are pretty good about car rides as long as the car is moving, Daddy doesn't even went to begin to imagine what that would have been like with you in the back seat.


Daddy will admit he was pretty nervous about flying with you. With traveling for work, Daddy has found himself on a plane with "that" baby and he really didn't want you to be someone else's "that" baby. Even with a 730am flight out of Manchester, it still was a pretty full flight. Luckily the timing work out that Daddy was able to get you asleep at the gate before we bored the plane. You slept through the whole boarding process and about halfway through take off you opened your eyes, looked right up at Mommy, and went right back to sleep. About halfway through our first flight, you woke up and were great for the rest of the flight. When you did wake up, you had the cutest look on your face that said, "This isn't where I feel asleep, where the heck am I?" Once you fully woke up, all you wanted to do was play, not with the nice toys we had in your diaper bag. Instead you wanted the really expensive and always hard to come by air plane napkin and plastic cup. Eventually you got bored with those and then wanted nothing else but to attack the Sky Mall magazine. Needless to say we didn't put that Sky Mall back for the next passengers as Daddy is sure they didn't want your ripped up, chewed on, drooled on and all around destroyed version of the sky mall.

Daddy was able to get you asleep once we boarded the second plane before we took off and you slept through that entire second flight. Granted it was a short flight from Baltimore to Pittsburgh, but still, you slept through both take off and landing so Daddy was happy you weren't "that" baby. You woke up as we were making our way to baggage claim and more importantly in time to meet Grammie Sue at baggage claim.

Pittsburgh (A City of Champions...It doesn't matter, on ice or grass we'll kick your...)

Grammie Sue and Gramps met us at the airport, which was needed just to get all of our luggage from baggage claim out to the car and loaded up. Daddy says all of our luggage but he would just like to point out for the record Daddy had one small suitcase. The rest of Mommy's gigantic suitcase and then everything else was all yours Lizzie. Thankfully Grammie Sue went out and had a few toys you liked waiting for you and even a high chair and bumbo chair so we didn't have to figure out how to fly with all that stuff too. One of the first things that happened in Pittsburgh was you going to the casino. No not to gamble, they didn't even have to card you to know you were too young to play, no Gramps wanted to take you there and show you off to all his friends. Seeing the bad poker hand (think other 4 letter word) eating grin when he was showing you off was well worth the trip to Pittsburgh.

One evening Mommy and Daddy decided to have some us time and left you with Grammie Sue and Gramps for the evening/bed time. We went to Kenneywood, which is a small amusement part just outside the city, and had a great time. Eventually we decided to come home hoping to find you sound asleep all angelic with Grammie Sue and Gramps with big smiles on their faces. Instead we came home to find you went to bed no problem, then woke up about 45 minutes into bed time, wanted to eat, and wanted nothing to do with the bottle. Then you realized Mommy wasn't around and proceeded to scream for the next hour until we got home. By the time Mommy and Daddy got there, 1) you were beyond screaming and to the complete meltdown, no more voice left in you to scream, down to the can't get enough air into your lungs, huh huh huh huh huh sobs 2) Grammie Sue and Gramps smiled, handed you to us, and promptly went downstairs to go to bed 3) Mommy and Daddy felt like the worst parents EVER! Obviously we all got over it eventually, yet I think Gramps is still having post traumatic stress disorder from the whole experience...don't worry he gives Daddy enough stress to make up for it.

Also while out in Pittsburgh Uncle Matty came out for the weekend to visit. Aunt Sarah couldn't make it and was deeply missed, yet you still had a fun time with Uncle Matty. Even to the point of him showing up late Friday night and you practically dove out of Daddy's arms to be held by Uncle Matty...ok fine truth be told Daddy pretty much threw you into Uncle Matty's arms before he could even put down his bags...but still it happened and is blog worthy no matter which version you believe. Not only was Uncle Matty driving all the way out from Philly awesome, him and Aunt Sarah sent along a few presents for you, which you quickly tore through the wrapping paper and found some great books. Not just any old books, but Uncle Matty and Aunt Sarah's favorite childhood books...maybe one of those will become you favorite book down the road, right now all you want to do is chew on books so Uncle Matty and Aunt Sarah's books are tucked away until you get a little older.

Since Uncle Matty had never been to Pittsburgh, we did all the great tourist things. We went to Station square and shopped. We took the incline up and took pictures of the city from the top of the incline. We watched the dancing water fountain behind the hard rock cafe. And Daddy's favorite part was the Primanti Brother's sandwich we had for lunch. For those not familiar with the almost famous have to click here and just look at the sandwich on the top left of the page...a little taste of heaven all crammed onto one sandwich!

The last day of our Pittsburgh visit we went to the Pittsburgh Zoo. All of us adults had a great time and Lizzie you would have been just as happy in your stroller being pushed around the mall, yet it was still a fun trip. You did really like the water falls and ponds making water noises when we got near the aquarium. Daddy thinks part of that is Grammie Sue having the white noise machine and you falling in love with the heavy rain sound during your visit. Since then we have gone out and purchased the same sound machine and now totally understand why everyone calls them baby "crack" machines! Anyway the zoo was awesome and we even went through the children section, thinking about how much fun you'll have running around through there next summer when you are a little bit older. Uncle Matty left from the zoo to head home and although you really didn't notice him leaving, us adults all missed him and were very happy he came out to visit for the weekend!

Flying Home

This time around we didn't have a 7am flight out of Pittsburgh so we took our time that morning with a nice breakfast and doing some last minute packing before heading off to the airport. If it ain't broke, don't fix it prevailed and Daddy once again got you asleep at the gate before our flight and you slept through take off and most of the flight. Again you woke up, slightly confused, and just played the rest of the way. Grammie Sue kept telling Daddy every time you drop a toy it's just you learning about gravity and depth perception, yet on the very tight plane setting...Daddy wasn't really too excited about you finding that as a great place to practice that whole depth perception thing. We had a short lay over in Philly which wasn't bad until we realized our gate we were leaving from was in the one wing of the airport that was running the heat in the middle of July. And then to top it off our flight leaving was running behind schedule so now we are all crammed around the gate waiting to board the plane, just making it even hotter in that area. The lay over was long enough that you napped before we got on the plane but woke up before we boarded thanks to the delay. Luckily you were really good through the last flight, awake the whole time, and just content to play and rip up another sky mall (seriously who actually buys stuff out of those anyway).

Mommy and Daddy really think you flew so well because you like riding in the car, except this was even better because we got to hold you instead of strapping you in a car seat. We landed in NH no problem, got our bags, loaded back up the car, again thinking how are we ever going to fit it all in there, let alone where there really things we didn't bring on this trip or is our house completely empty and packed into the back of Mommy's car? Thankfully you passed out almost instantly in your big girl car seat, yep you heard me, while in Pittsburgh we went to toys r'us and got you a big girl car seat, which you love! Mommy and Daddy love it too, because of how much easier it is to put you into it and take you out of it, compared to that torture device of an infant car seat.

Two hours later we got home, unloaded the car, and since you were wide awake now at 9pm we stayed up for a bit unpacking and getting you tired before we tried to go to bed. Amazingly you then road in the car for 4 hours the next day when Mommy went to YaYa and Pop's house in NH to pick up the cats. Mommy came home and got right to doing laundry and packing again because three days later you both went to YaYa and Pop's house for a week to meet your 2 month old cousin Brooklyn Juliette King. Daddy had to stay home and work so he really can't talk about all the adventures you had out there...Daddy will leave that post to Mommy.

In the mean time Daddy's going to get working on your 7 month birthday post, yes he knows, it's almost a week late at this point, things have been busy this month and time just keeps flying by. There are tons of things to talk about in this birthday post so check back soon to hear all about the teething adventures...yes we are back in that, which Daddy is beginning to think it might be one of the rings of hell that Dante left out.

Also Daddy knows there are no pictures with this post...crazy right? There were just too many good ones from this vacation to only pick a few to put in here (read as just not enough time in the day) so Daddy is going to put them all up on facebook later tonight or tomorrow and will just post the link to the album in here for everyone later.

We Love You,

Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lizzie Sue - Happy 6 Months Old!!!

Dear Lizzie Sue,

Today you turned 6 months old! Mommy and Daddy can hardly believe you are already 1/2 of a year old. Everyone warned us this would fly by and they were not kidding. If the next six months goes as quick as this first 6 months went, it's going to be Christmas time (and your birthday time) before we know it. As always here you are with Roxie Bear:

This last month has been a pretty crazy month. You've seemed to stop teething...for now. On one hand Daddy wishes you were done teething forever...on the other hand he would feel really bad for you trying to get a date in college (notice Daddy said college, not high school) with only your two front bottom teeth. Of course eventually you will start to teeth again, yet this time we have a secret not the blackberry brandy...just this past week you've fallen in love with your mesh feeding bag. Daddy has learned this is a more recent development in babies so he'll explain. It's a little mesh bag on the end of a seal-able plastic ring. The ring is easy for you to hold onto, and we fill the mesh bag with everything from bananas to watermelon. You can gnaw away on the bag, and you are only able to get little tiny pieces of food through the mesh so there's no choking hazard. Your face with your first real bite into a banana was the best bitter beer face Daddy has ever seen. Anyway the point of this story is that frozen banana chunks in the mesh feeder are a great teething remedy and you get some nutrition out of it too. All this solid food is turning you into Popeye with his spinach...just look at this picture...I could have sworn you asked Daddy if he had his ticket to the gun show!!!

Solid food has become a nightly routine around here. After Mommy and Daddy finish dinner you get put in your bumbo chair on the dining room table and you tear into anything we put in front of you. So far you've eaten (also worn) avocado, sweet potato, oatmeal cereal, bananas, watermelon, blue berries and you keep eyeing up Daddy's baked ziti. Daddy just doesn't think you are ready for the baked ziti just yet. In the last couple of days you’ve even been eating so well that we figure about half of the food actually makes it both in your mouth but down into your tummy, instead of the other half that either makes it into our mouth and ends up on your tummy or just ends up all over your hands which get just about everywhere else.

Also in the last week or so you’ve really figured out rolling over…or at least half of it. Every time Mommy or Daddy puts you down on your back, with in about 10 seconds you are rolling over to your belly. That’s all well and good but you really haven’t figured out the rolling from your belly to your back yet. You’ve pulled it off once or twice but more often than not you just end up laying there and crying until one of us flips you back over. The other day you were so close to crawling, you were up on your arms and started to move your knees, then the next thing we knew you started doing pushups. I guess you really are getting ready for Norwich already! Another sign your going to end up in the Corps of Cadets is that you get distracted very easily..."oh shiny"...where was Daddy? Oh yeah you've started to sit up on your own if we help you get into the position. You are doing very well with it until you get distracted, either look off at something in the distance or just stop concentrating on sitting up and boom you fall really is pretty cute to watch!

The next couple of weeks will be very interesting for all of us. We are taking our first big vacation with you. We will be driving 5 hours to the Cape to visit Guy and Ashley for the 4th of July. We can’t wait to see your reaction to the first time on the beach, first time in the ocean and first fireworks experience. Right from the Cape we will be flying to Pittsburgh to see Grammie Sue and Gramps. Daddy's keeping his fingers crossed that we aren't that couple with the screaming kid everyone hates on their flight. Hopefully a milk coma will help us on that one. While in Pittsburgh we are looking forward to your first adventure to the zoo, your first ride on the incline, your first primanti brothers sandwich (don't worry Daddy will eat it for you, we'll just let you get all big eyed at the size of it) and your first time in downtown Pittsburgh, maybe we'll run into a Steelers player who would take a picture with you...long as it's not Hines Ward because if it's him Mommy might not be coming back to VT with us...ha ha! Even if we didn't do any of those things in Pittsburgh, the time with Grammie Sue and Gramps will be awesome...hopefully Gramps will continue to teach you how to play poker!

We love you,

Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A week in reflection

So most of you know that last August I took a new job at the local high school and one of the benefits of this job was that I would be off for the summer. My summer officially started last Friday (about 10 days ago).

Anyone who knew me growing up knew that I never thought I would be a stay at home mom. I often stated that I thought "I would lose my mind" but after I had Lizzie I thought I would like nothing more to have that opportunity and now I do since I am off for the summer.

I have officially been a "stay at home mom" for just over a week and I have to say full time stay at home moms deserve a lot of credit. Every day I wake up with the hope of getting so much done, and everyday I go to bed after not having accomplished hardly anything that I wanted to. For example I have been trying to wash our sheets for at least a week and I keep running out of time. I would also love to vacuum but I value a sleeping baby that much more I can deal with the dust bunnies.

In other news we are in the process of transitioning Lizzie from our bed to her crib. I love the cuddle time we have a night but I am ready to have my space back, especially since I am with her all day every day (and I wouldn't change if for the world.) We have only been at the for 2 nights and it is hard but I feel it is important so we will keep at it.

I am trying to get back into running. This baby weight is not going to come off by itself so I have decided to help it. So 3 mornings a week I pack Lizzie into the stroller and walk to Norwich where I do the couch to 5K program. I did this program before I got pregnant with her and had good success with it and am glad I am finally getting back into it.

We are getting ready to go on vacation in about 10 days and I have already started planning. Going on vacation used to be relatively simple for just Keith and I but now we have Lizzie and that add a whole new dimension of planning. Stay tuned for those details and for Keith's six month blog (she will be 6 months on Wednesday and I refuse to believe it).

Thursday, June 11, 2009

24 weeks, Grammie Sue & Gramps visit, solid foods and other dinner table fun!!!

Dear Lizzie Sue,

Yesterday you were 24 weeks old...just two more weeks and you'll be 6 months. Just the idea of that is still crazy to Daddy that you'll be half a year old...geez the time really is flying by. So as mentioned in the last post, Grammie Sue and Gramps were up visiting from Pittsburgh. It was a great week for everyone involved. They got some quality Lizzie Sue time, Mommy and Daddy got some "here take her" time too! Daddy does miss walking downstairs, handing you off to Grammie Sue, going back upstairs to get some coffee, wake up, shower and eventually coming back down stairs to find you just chillen with Grammie Sue.

Daddy does have a suspicion you have learned your concept of time from Gramps. Daddy says this because every time he would hand you to Gramps to just hold you for a minute while Daddy did something, it usually took 30 minutes to get you back. Ever since then if you want to be picked up and Mommy or Daddy takes a minute to get to you, you scream like we've left you alone for 30 minutes...Thanks Gramps!

One of the great things that came out of Grammie Sue and Gramps visit is you starting solid foods. After sitting in our laps at the dinner table and even playing with a plastic spoon and copying us by scrapping the spoon on the table and putting it in your mouth...we all agreed you might be ready to try solid foods. So Mommy picked up some avocados, we magic bulleted them up for you, and you went to town. Of course this video is from your first attempt at've gotten a lot better about it over the last 2 weeks. To this point you've had avocado, rice cereal, bananas and watermelon with plans to attempt sweet potatoes tomorrow night! (first solid food) (laughing after first solid food)

After Grammie Sue and Gramps left a wonderful package arrived a few days later. Grammie Sue ordered you an awesome toy that you love sooOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! These soft stacker rings. What's great is each ring has an animal on there, all making different kinds of noise. By far your favorite ring is the little ring from the top that has a bumble bee on it. The bee is kind of crinkly so you love squishing him and chewing on him. Although pretty much everything picked up goes into your mouth lately, the bumble bee seems to spend more time there then any other toy.

Also in that great package we picked you up a high chair that clips right onto our dinner table. You love being at the dinner table with us and this way Mommy and Daddy can eat dinner with 2 hands each while you just sit in your chair and chew on your bumble bee. Normally when you are hanging out in your chair, you are pretty vocal and like knocking your toys off the table...yet the other night Mommy and Daddy were both talking and realized at the same moment you weren't making as much noise as normal. We both looked over to see you with this very intense look of concentration on your face. You then proceeded to take both hands, grab the front of the high chair and hold on like a lap bar for a roller continued to concentrate...Daddy started to see your grip leaving indents on the table...and then the most unlady like noise, to ever be made at our dinner table, came out of you. Needless to say, we rushed you off for a new diaper and still needed to change your onesie.

You've had a busy last couple of days and will continue to have busy days as Mommy is soon done with work for the year...she'll have all summer to go on some great adventures with you. Also this visit from Grammie Sue and Gramps really reminded us how much we are looking forward to our trip to Pittsburgh in July! Oh and on another positive note from their visit, they brought Daddy some Yuengling beer...and as everyone can seemed to like it too!

We Love You,

Mommy & Daddy

P.S. No Children Were Given Any Beer During the Making of This Blog

Monday, May 25, 2009

Lizzie Sue - Happy 5 Months Old!!!

Dear Lizzie Sue,

Today (read as yesterday because Grammie Sue is a great big distraction) you turned 5 months old. 5 months is almost 6 months, which is half a year, which is half way to your first birthday, which would make you one year old...Daddy can't believe you are almost one year old...ok fine...almost there but still 5 months is closer then you were last month. As always here is a picture of you with Roxie Bear!

This past month has been a busy one. Not only have you traveled a bunch, you've had some grand adventures at home. One of those wonderful adventures was your 4 month doctors visit. Now for all of the Lizzie Sue Groupies out there, keep in mind the following measurements are a little skewed as Lizzie Sue was really 4 months and 2 weeks when we had our check up. You were 25 and a half inches long (Daddy still says it's long and not tall until you stand up on your own, then he'll call it tall) and 14 pounds 7 ounces. This made you 52nd percentile for weight and 79th percentile for height (Daddy swears it should be length). As Daddy mentioned above you did have 2 extra weeks to grown before these measurements comparing you to other 4 month olds, yet still we are very happy to see you are growing taller (read as longer) and putting on weight! Of course with all great doctors visits, there were shots, yet Daddy swears you handled this round of shots better then you did the 2 month shots. Mommy things you handled these worse, so at least one of us is right. When you get older hopefully you'll be able to read this, refresh your memory, and finally settle who was right!

Teething...Daddy is beginning to strongly dislike that word. He's not at the point of totally hating teething yet, hopefully the advice from last weeks post will help him from getting to hate, yet strongly dislike still gives off Daddy's love for teething. Your front left bottom tooth, the one that will forever be known as the tooth that got Mommy and Daddy to walk out of church, decided to join Righty on the outside of your gums this past Friday. Mommy and Daddy really enjoyed the 2 days we had without a fussy baby that was teething. Any Lizzie Sue Groupies just do the math and realize that two days makes Sunday? Yes, as Daddy writes this, it is Monday and you are starting to get fussy again and have a suspicious bump on your gums right next to your two front teeth. Excuse Daddy for a minute as he gets side tracked...

Dear Lizzie Sue's Teeth,
Today you are driving me crazy...please take at least a week off between forcing yourself into Lizzie Sue's mouth. If you do I'll make sure the Tooth Fairy takes you to the big tooth house in the sky and you get to eat all the sweets you want after that. Thank you!
We Strongly Dislike You,
Lizzie Sue's Mommy & Daddy

Ok Daddy's Daddy mentioned at the beginning of the post, Grammie Sue and Gramps are here visiting for the week. They haven't seen you since February for your Baptism. Of course they have seen the youtube videos and the facebook pictures but that's just not the same. Needless to say they have both been super excited to hold you, love you, make you laugh, make you smile, spoil you, tickle you, play with you, even give you a bottle, yet they seem to always leave the stinky diaper changes to Daddy....what's up with that? You even got a visit from Uncle Jimmy's father today as well. He brought you a beautiful Red Sox cheerleaders outfit. There was also a Tom Brady jersey that Daddy's going to bury under the house. Daddy could bury it in the back yard but he'd be worried a tree would grow in the place and many years from now instead of apples or some other good fruit blooming, a bunch of video cameras would start to appear and start taping our every play.

Oh and Daddy can't forget that you now have a cousin. Aunt Julia and Uncle Jamie had a baby girl on Friday at 11:39pm, Brooklyn Juliette King, and if Aunt Julie could have held out for 21 minutes, Brooklyn could have had the same birthday as Grammie Sue. Daddy guesses we'll not hold that one against Aunt Julia. Hopefully later this summer we'll make it down to NJ so you can meet your cousin.

Daddy will have to make a post next week about all your fun adventures with Grammie Sue and Gramps. Daddy is sure we'll have some fun stories to write about after this week...

We Love You,

Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, May 17, 2009

20 weeks, teeth read blogs???, Uncle Whitney's Grad, and the next tooth already?

Dear Lizzie Sue,

A couple of days ago you were 20 weeks old...yeah Daddy was a major slacker this week. He blames the season finale of Lost...don't worry when you get older I'll show you the first season and it too shall consume your life with you trying to figure out what is really happening on that show. Anyway Daddy digresses back to your 20 weeks old post.

Apparently teeth can read blogs...and now I owe you a pony ride because your first tooth finally made its appearance last weekend. After a very rough couple of days, Mommy and Daddy, both very tired, woke up early Saturday morning to drive to Uncle Whitney's college graduation to find your front right tooth looking back at us. Here is Daddy's best attempt at getting a picture of this special occasion, everyone out there in Lizzie Sue paparazzi-land will have to take my word that there really is a tooth in there.

Uncle Whitney's graduation was fun as we did some of our longest driving with you that day and you did very well all things considered. You pretty much slept almost the entire time whenever we had you strapped into the car seat. This trip showed Mommy and Daddy it is possible to travel with you long distances and it also means a trip to NJ this summer will still be an adventure.

So this morning Mommy and Daddy walked out of church. Not because we weren't happy with the service, or because someone sat in our place in our pew, but because we were losing a battle with teething. Yes Daddy is still talking about teething, apparently after your first tooth comes in, the rest don't magically appear overnight. So once again Mommy and Daddy are back to taking care of a very fussy baby. It looks like your front left tooth didn't like being without Righty so its on its way in as well. Before we left church Daddy got the best teething/parenting advice he has ever received. The magic cure to teething is Black Berry Brandy, apparently Daddy is supposed to put a little on his finger, rub it on your gums, and then drink the rest of the bottle himself. We will have to try that teething remedy before your last tooth decides to join the teeth party in your mouth.

A week from today you'll be 5 months and Daddy will talk about your 4 month doctor visit, shots, and Grammie Sue's reaction to seeing you this coming Saturday!

We Love You,

Mommy & Daddy