Happy 7 months old! Notice that Daddy didn't even say "today you are 7 months old" because this post is so overdue, Daddy might as well start working on the Happy 8 month post. With that in mind, most of your 7th month of life was spent traveling, as seen by the novel of a previous post. Still there are a few things to talk about and before all that...here you are with Roxie Bear, in NH at Yaya and Pop's house.

Let's talk about teeth for a minute. While you were in Pittsburgh visiting Grammie Sue and Gramps, everyone thought you were starting to teeth again. After having two very lonely bottom teeth for the last few months, it was about time some other teeth came around to join them.

And then there's the rolling, let's talk about that. This past month you've mastered rolling over, front to back, back to front, side to side, top to bottom, you name it, you can roll it! This has made it interesting as you are a little bit more mobile when Mommy and Daddy put you down on the floor for two seconds, who knows how far you'll roll and what you'll get into while you are there.

Speaking of taking diggers, this last month has been filled with you moving a lot more, which can be read as you taking tons of bumps and bruises. You are sitting up all on your own if put down in that position, you still don't have the whole, getting up to the sitting position from laying down just yet. Of course just like some crazy scientist throwing apples up in the air, what sits up, must fall down. You've knocked yourself a couple of times that way, yet the best thump happened the other day. Mommy and Daddy still aren't sure if you whacked yourself in the eyebrow with the ladle you were playing with or the edge of the metal mixing bowl you were using as a drum, yet either way you had a huge lump on your eyebrow and it took a while to calm you down after that one.

Well since it's almost time for Daddy to starting working on the 8 month post, this is enough for now. Maybe you'll be standing at the end of the drive way waiting for the school bus to pick you up for the first day of kindergarten before Daddy get's that next post written.
We love you,
Mommy & Daddy
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