Yesterday you were 24 weeks old...just two more weeks and you'll be 6 months. Just the idea of that is still crazy to Daddy that you'll be half a year old...geez the time really is flying by. So as mentioned in the last post, Grammie Sue and Gramps were up visiting from Pittsburgh. It was a great week for everyone involved. They got some quality Lizzie Sue time, Mommy and Daddy got some "here take her" time too! Daddy does miss walking downstairs, handing you off to Grammie Sue, going back upstairs to get some coffee, wake up, shower and eventually coming back down stairs to find you just chillen with Grammie Sue.

One of the great things that came out of Grammie Sue and Gramps visit is you starting solid foods. After sitting in our laps at the dinner table and even playing with a plastic spoon and copying us by scrapping the spoon on the table and putting it in your mouth...we all agreed you might be ready to try solid foods. So Mommy picked up some avocados, we magic bulleted them up for you, and you went to town. Of course this video is from your first attempt at've gotten a lot better about it over the last 2 weeks. To this point you've had avocado, rice cereal, bananas and watermelon with plans to attempt sweet potatoes tomorrow night! (first solid food) (laughing after first solid food)
After Grammie Sue and Gramps left a wonderful package arrived a few days later. Grammie Sue ordered you an awesome toy that you love sooOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! These soft stacker rings. What's great is each ring has an animal on there, all making different kinds of noise. By far your favorite ring is the little ring from the top that has a bumble bee on it. The bee is kind of crinkly so you love squishing him and chewing on him. Although pretty much everything picked up goes into your mouth lately, the bumble bee seems to spend more time there then any other toy.

Also in that great package we picked you up a high chair that clips right onto our dinner table. You love being at the dinner table with us and this way Mommy and Daddy can eat dinner with 2 hands each while you just sit in your chair and chew on your bumble bee. Normally when you are hanging out in your chair, you are pretty vocal and like knocking your toys off the table...yet the other night Mommy and Daddy were both talking and realized at the same moment you weren't making as much noise as normal. We both looked over to see you with this very intense look of concentration on your face. You then proceeded to take both hands, grab the front of the high chair and hold on like a lap bar for a roller continued to concentrate...Daddy started to see your grip leaving indents on the table...and then the most unlady like noise, to ever be made at our dinner table, came out of you. Needless to say, we rushed you off for a new diaper and still needed to change your onesie.

You've had a busy last couple of days and will continue to have busy days as Mommy is soon done with work for the year...she'll have all summer to go on some great adventures with you. Also this visit from Grammie Sue and Gramps really reminded us how much we are looking forward to our trip to Pittsburgh in July! Oh and on another positive note from their visit, they brought Daddy some Yuengling beer...and as everyone can seemed to like it too!
We Love You,
Mommy & Daddy
P.S. No Children Were Given Any Beer During the Making of This Blog
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