Dear Lizzie Sue,
A few weeks ago you turned 11 months old! Please explain to Daddy how you seem to make time disappear and calendars move so quickly? It feels like just the other day Daddy was writing your 10 month old post with aspirations to squeeze another post in before this post and to actually write this post on time. Double wrong! Daddy is sure all the Lizzie Sue Groupies understand with the craziness of the Holiday Season how time has flown by and why this post is so late. Anyway as always here you are with Roxie Bear!

Part of the reason it has taken Daddy so long to write this post is because over the last month you have become so much more of a little person and not just a bump on a log. You pull up on everything, play with everything, try to eat everything, walk holding onto the furniture and just recently you've been standing all on your own, not holding onto anything. All of these things are reasons why Daddy loves to just play with you or sit in amazement watching you whenever he has the free time, instead of writing blogs...Sorry! The "no-hander"

typically happens when you are holding onto something with one hand and playing with a toy in the other. You then let go of what you are holding onto to and play with the toy using both hands. You typically stand there for 5 to 10 seconds all on your own before you realize you aren't holding onto anything. At that point you either panic, drop the toy, and grab for the couch with both hands, or you very delicately and gracefully just sit down and continue playing with your toy. Mommy and Daddy have been working on getting you standing more and more on your own everyday to hopefully build the confidence you need to realize you can walk. We all also learned, while at Pop's and Yaya's house for Thanksgiving, that covering your face to play peak-a-boo while you are standing on your own isn't a great idea. Apparently you seem to loose your balance when you can't see anything...our bad!
Since Daddy mentioned Thanksgiving and Daddy's hungry, let's talk about food for a bit. You have been doing such a great job of feeding yourself over this past month. You push the chair into the kitchen, climb up on the counter,

get out the peanut butter and jelly and make your own lunches. Ok so maybe your not there yet, but at least you are doing a better job of getting the food into your mouth and not all over your face. Granted pasta sauce or crock pot cooked, pot roast seasoned vegetables are a little messy, but still you are doing great. We do find it funny that the hardest decision you've ever been presented with at the dinner table is asparagus or green peppers. No, not a decision of should I eat those weird healthy green things, but you love both of them so much, sometimes we can see the brain overload when you can't decide which one to pick up and devour first.
Daddy is going to cut this post short so he has stuff to talk about later this month as we prepare for the best time of year, yes Christmas but also Lizzie Sue's Birthday!!!

One year old is almost here and it's going to be one crazy holiday week at our house getting ready to host Christmas and celebrate your birthday. More on the holidays and our traumatic holiday card photo shoot to come soon. Until next time...
We Love You,
Mommy & Daddy
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