Today you are 11 weeks old! I'm sure there is something daddy could come up with about 11 weeks being a prime number and how special this week is but since we were up pretty late last night, Daddy just doesn't have that in him. More to come on last night later.
Ready for St. Patrick's Day next week! (the onesie says "I'm a McCutie")

So on Monday you went to the Doc for your 2 month check up and shots. Before Daddy gets to the part everyone wants to hear about (that's the evil thing that mean old nurse stuck in your leg) Daddy has to tell everyone just how big you've gotten lately. You weighed in at 11 pounds and 14 ounces...then mom fed you right after that so I'm sure your more like 12 pounds at this point. Then daddy and the nurse had a philosophical conversation about is it really how tall you are or is it how long you are? Daddy's logic is that it isn't tall until you start to stand up so until then I'll say that you are 22 and 3/4 inches long. Not bad considering you were only born at 6 pounds 15 ounces and 19.5 inches long.
Ok fine Daddy will cave to the peer pressure and tell everyone about what they really want to hear about...the shots. At first Daddy thought it was the cutest thing in the world. The nurse gave you your first shot in the thigh and you looked down at her and at the needle sticking into your leg and you had this look on your face like "huh, that's odd, what is she doing to me?" Then all the sudden someone flicked the switch and you realized you didn't like it. Then the screaming started and that wasn't as cute. By the end of the three shots you hit such a high decibel in your scream Daddy was starting to worry about his glasses cracking. After that you pulled a typical you and went from hot to cold like in the Kate Perry song. Not even 5 minutes later you were totally calmed down and going into your carseat to go home. You pretty much slept the rest of the day away, wanted to just nuggle with Mommy and Daddy, and actually handled the shots pretty well. The next day wasn't as nice.
The day after the first shots will go down in permenant memory for Mommy and Daddy. The only thing we can figure is that all of the lethargic sleep you got after the shots allowed for to not sleep at all the next day. You didn't nap during the day. You didn't nap while Daddy was home for lunch. You finally napped from 1-3pm for Daddy in your bouncy chair. After that you were awake and didn't nap that evening. You didn't go to sleep at 8pm like you normally do. You noticing a trend here? You were so over tired but you just didn't want to fall asleep. I promise you that at night you can sleep all you want and you aren't going to miss anything. Trust me. Mommy and Daddy will be sleeping. Even Chip and Dale will be asleep to, so instead of testing this theory and staying up til midnight...just trust us and go to bed!

On to a more embarassing part of the week, we had the first explosive diaper that landed you going right into the bathtub. Again Mommy and Daddy are going to blame those evil shots as to why you were a little backed up. Now we know you love your bouncy chair, you sit in that thing for hours just batting away at the toys and enjoying yourself. For whatever reason tonight you were so relaxed in your bouncy chair that you finally filled that diaper, and over filled that diaper, and filled your pants, and filled your bouncy chair too. Thankfully a Maselli bath and a full change of clothes was a quick fix. The short answer for everyone asking what a Maselli shower or bath is from Mommy and Daddy's college days. Daddy's junior year we lived near Cadet Maselli, who was all about numerous quick showers (all in the same day) without soap which become known as a Maselli shower.
Also this week we've noticed that those two longs tuffs of hair behind your ears seems to have spread. Now you've kinda got this Friar Tuck thing going on. Even the balder spots on top and in the back are starting to thicken up as well. Fingers crossed you'll keep this brown hair and blue eyes and be Daddy's little Galway girl.
We love you,
Mommy & Daddy
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