Today you are 2 months old...yes Daddy actually posted on the exact day for once! As we started last month due to Mommy's wonderful is a picture of you and Roxie Bear.

You will not understand this for many MANY years to come but becoming a parent make you look back at all those memories of your childhood. I can remember a time that Daddy's father licked his thumb and used it to wipe some dirt of Daddy's face...I also remember thinking that when I become a parent I'll never do such an embarrassing thing to my own children. So with that said we just aren't going to talk about what happened last night when you had a little milk on your cheek. Let's just say your cheek got clean and Daddy failed at keeping that promise to his 7 year old self.

In the last week or so you really have started to become your own little person. Most of the time you no longer like being held facing Mommy or Daddy's chest. Instead you want to be held facing out which makes sense, since you recently started being able to focus those eyes on objects further than a few inches from your face. Most light fixtures and patterns on the walls have been closely scrutinized by you over the last couple of days....Daddy hopes you are not judging us as parents on all that dust. Also you have picked up a habit of getting very fussy/cranky just before you fall asleep. We agree that it is your way of showing your lack of enthusiasm for taking a nap as you might miss something important while you are asleep. Eventually you fall asleep anyway so don't worry that your parents aren't letting you get enough sleep. Now if only we can get you to sleep all the way through the night and we would be all set. Once battle at a time. Also you have a new friend, his name is Mr. Shower Curtain. In the last 2 weeks you have become fascinated with our dark blue shower curtain that has gold suns, moons and stars on it. Who knows...maybe a future astronomer or astronaut on our hands...or you might become a shower-curtainoligist...only time will tell!

We can't wait for spring to get here as it will fall right around the time we can start taking you outside to play in the grass, go for swimming lessons this summer, go for backpack hiking trips, and all sorts of other fun adventures to come. Also Mommy and Daddy are just sick of the snow! So take the snow...Lizzie says "my iron fist kung-fu shall defeat you snow... KAAPOW!!!"
We love you,
~Daddy & Mommy
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