Daddy's mornings just aren't the same anymore. Last week I slept-in until you (or mommy) woke me up. Then I'd take you downstairs, hand you to Grammie Sue, and go back upstairs to have coffee, take a shower, and get going for the day. Grammie Sue is back home in Pittsburgh and Mommy, Daddy, and you miss her tons! Having her and Gramps here to help around the house, help with you, and just hang out with at night was awesome.

On Thursday night your Godparents made it up to VT. Over the years, Penny and Tony have been like a 2nd set of parents for your Daddy, so Mommy & Daddy wanted to have them be involved in your life too. We all had some great dinners out together during their visit. And by all I mean us either slept or ate your own meals on your own schedule. Come Sunday Grammie Sue and Gramps were ready to get headed home, but first we had to have a Baptism.

So with the goal of a Baptism in mind, we took off to church to get the job done. Once there we met up with your Nana & Pops, Great Grammie, and Auntie Julia. It was a great service and you were an angel throughout the entire thing. You wore a 5 generation old baptismal gown. You wore it, Daddy wore it, Grammie Sue wore it, Grammie Sue's Mommy wore it, and Grammie Sue's Grandfather wore it...needless to say it's seen better days and I'll be shocked if it makes it another generation. Near the end of the baptism you let out one little squeak, to which someone in the congregation commented that a child who cries during a baptism is going to become a pastor. Just in case you aren't keeping track at home, so far we have a rockette, a violinist, a pianist or a pastor...any which way Daddy would be pretty happy.
After the service we all went back to the house and Gramps channeled his Polish mother and we had enough food ready to feed a small army. Everyone ate, everyone was happy, everyone was merry and you were passed around and well loved! The newest person to meet you during your life adventure was Aunt Julia. Yes she kinda looks like Mommy, but I'm pretty sure you could tell the difference pretty quickly.

Auntie Ju Ju has been staying with us for the week and she's been a huge help. Mommy's been working in the afternoon, Daddy's been at work all day, so Auntie Ju Ju's been taking care of you in the afternoon. She's enjoyed her time with you because it's all been practice before your cousin, Brooklyn, makes her appearance in June.
8 weeks, that's like almost 2 months...oh they grow up so fast. This week it seems like that light upstairs clicked on. Just the look in your eyes show us emotion, we can tell that brain of yours is racing, and you are a lot more alert when you are awake. Only a few weeks ago when you were in your car seat you could have been mistaken for a doll. Now there is no mistaking are growing up and clearly going to be a little firecracker!!!
We love you,
~Daddy & Mommy
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