Dear Lizzie Sue,
Today you turned 8 months old. Wow 8 months, already two thirds through the first year of you life...Daddy can't believe it. Before we know it, it will be there will be Christmas items on the shelves at walmart and you'll be turning one year old...and since walmart is already making room for Halloween stuff, it really is just around the corner. Daddy has tons to talk about this month so lets jump right to it, but first, here you are with Roxie Bear.

8 months equals 8 teeth? say what? Yes it is true... not only did that number 6 tooth Daddy talked about in the last post finally cut through this past Friday night, so did number 7 and 8 on the bottom. So now you've got 4 teeth on top and 4 teeth on bottom.

Obviously these new teeth need to keep growing to match up with how big your first couple of teeth have become, yet 8 teeth at 8 months is just crazy. Also everything goes into your mouth lately, which is just a normal part of teething, but no more chewing on Daddy's knuckle when your teeth hurt. It wasn't that bad before but lately with all those extra teeth in there, Mommy and Daddy have had enough. We are at the point of teaching you that biting Mommy and Daddy is no longer ok. In an interesting side note, today you were playing on the floor with both your stuffed Monkey from Aunt Sarah and Uncle Matty and a stuffed Tigger that Daddy got you the other day. While you were wresting around with them, Daddy watched you grab each of them at one point or another and bite down on their ear!?!?! Daddy has heard of cats and dogs biting ears to establish who is the alpha in the pack, should Mommy and Daddy assume you are now the alpha in your pack of stuffed animals?
Since we are talking about you playing with these stuffed animals, Daddy wants to talk about some of your other toys. Lizzie Sue, you have four amazing grandparents that have totally embraced their roles as grandparents (read as totally spoil you). With that in mind, you do not lack nor want for toys...then explain to Daddy why your favorite toys are; an old tv remote control, a paper towel tube, a pair of your shoes, and any cat toys that are within reach. Seriously? The tv remote came about after Mommy and Daddy got tired of you trying to steal our remote and when you got it you would change channels on the tv. But the cat toys? Before Daddy said if they are within reach and

by within reach Daddy meant in the room with you. The cat toys have had one positive, you've almost learned how to crawl because you so desperately want to get to those cat toys on the other side of the room. Daddy will come back to that crawling thing in a moment, but before then, can you do Daddy a favor and stick to playing with your toys? It's not that we mind you playing with the cat toys, it's that the cats have been so depressed about you playing with their toys lately that all they seem to do is sleep, eat, and just lay around the house. So for the sake of our furry children's mental well-being, please leave their toys alone...they don't play with your toys!
Crawling - you are even closer to crawling then where you were in Daddy's last post. You went to visit Mommy at work this past Saturday and while playing on a blanket on the side of a soccer field, which on a side note, you totally loved

watching the girls playing soccer (maybe a future soccer player on our hands, who knows), you probably spent a solid 10 minutes on your hands and knees just rocking back and forth with this huge smile on your face. You've developed your own weird crawl/skootch/belly flop/army crawl that is getting you moving and moving towards those toys (remember your toys not the cat toys, thanks). Although your way to move does work, hopefully you'll just get this crawling thing down soon and we can move onto more important things like ice skating...ok fine we'll start with walking next and then maybe get to ice skating.
Daddy wants to talk about him working from home and spending more time with you during the day and all about Mommy going back to work...yet I'll save that for another post soon.
We Love You,
Mommy & Daddy