Today you are 2 weeks old. One week and a day to your due date...Jan 15th, guess you had another plans. It feels like yesterday that your mother told me her water broke and 15 hours later you came rushing into our lives 3 weeks early. In such a short time, your mother and I have fallen deeply in love with you. Becoming a parent is a life changing event and I am so happy you are the change in our lives. In just 2 weeks you have already had great adventures such as explosive diapers, a trip to walmart, a visit to daddy's work, peeing while daddy attempts to change your diaper, doing 2 nights back at the hospital to get the yellow out, no longer sleeping on your back but instead only sleeping on your stomach on mommy's stomach, your first bath and the first time you lifted your head up all on your own. Here's to the adventures yet to be had...
We love you,
First Bath

Nap time

Lifting your head
I love how right at the end of the video, after all that excitement...she just kind of falls asleep. Apparently, lifting her head took a LOT more out of her than we'd imagine!
Congrats, she's adorable beyond belief!
Bet you never thought you could feel like you do right now. Love Grannie Sue
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