(insert cool wayne's world flashback sound effect here)
It was the beginning of May and I was sitting in Shapiro Field House on campus waiting for Commissioning to begin. I was already sitting in the back just in case I had to sneak out for whatever reason. Just as the show gets started I get a text from Meggan saying, call me as soon as you can. Of course at this point I'm standing up, everyone is marching in, National Anthem, color guard, all that fun stuff. Once I finally get the chance to sneak outside, on my way out the door Meggan calls me and says, guess what? My gut reaction was that she was pregnant, but what if she wasn't. I didn't want to say that and get her all worked up about it, so I think I said something silly about us ordering pizza for dinner.
Needless to say the right answer wasn't pizza and I rushed home to my beautiful wife once I heard the good news. The next day at Graduation we let slip to a couple close friends why I ran out of commissioning and of course they were wicked excited for us. Then the time came to call my parents. I called to wish my mother happy Mother's Day on her cell phone and instead said Happy Grandmother's Day...she didn't even skip a beat. She said you serious, I said yep, and she screamed out "I'm gonna be a Grandmother!!!" I will say being an only child (read as the only source for grandchildren) my parents were great about never pushing us to have kids. Still it felt awesome to finally give my Mother the grandson/granddaughter she's always wanted.
Ok so I'll post more soon about everything that happened between finding out and where we are now. To hold you over until then, here are some cute belly pictures of Meggan over the early weeks.
Week 7

Week 9

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