Monday, May 25, 2009

Lizzie Sue - Happy 5 Months Old!!!

Dear Lizzie Sue,

Today (read as yesterday because Grammie Sue is a great big distraction) you turned 5 months old. 5 months is almost 6 months, which is half a year, which is half way to your first birthday, which would make you one year old...Daddy can't believe you are almost one year old...ok fine...almost there but still 5 months is closer then you were last month. As always here is a picture of you with Roxie Bear!

This past month has been a busy one. Not only have you traveled a bunch, you've had some grand adventures at home. One of those wonderful adventures was your 4 month doctors visit. Now for all of the Lizzie Sue Groupies out there, keep in mind the following measurements are a little skewed as Lizzie Sue was really 4 months and 2 weeks when we had our check up. You were 25 and a half inches long (Daddy still says it's long and not tall until you stand up on your own, then he'll call it tall) and 14 pounds 7 ounces. This made you 52nd percentile for weight and 79th percentile for height (Daddy swears it should be length). As Daddy mentioned above you did have 2 extra weeks to grown before these measurements comparing you to other 4 month olds, yet still we are very happy to see you are growing taller (read as longer) and putting on weight! Of course with all great doctors visits, there were shots, yet Daddy swears you handled this round of shots better then you did the 2 month shots. Mommy things you handled these worse, so at least one of us is right. When you get older hopefully you'll be able to read this, refresh your memory, and finally settle who was right!

Teething...Daddy is beginning to strongly dislike that word. He's not at the point of totally hating teething yet, hopefully the advice from last weeks post will help him from getting to hate, yet strongly dislike still gives off Daddy's love for teething. Your front left bottom tooth, the one that will forever be known as the tooth that got Mommy and Daddy to walk out of church, decided to join Righty on the outside of your gums this past Friday. Mommy and Daddy really enjoyed the 2 days we had without a fussy baby that was teething. Any Lizzie Sue Groupies just do the math and realize that two days makes Sunday? Yes, as Daddy writes this, it is Monday and you are starting to get fussy again and have a suspicious bump on your gums right next to your two front teeth. Excuse Daddy for a minute as he gets side tracked...

Dear Lizzie Sue's Teeth,
Today you are driving me crazy...please take at least a week off between forcing yourself into Lizzie Sue's mouth. If you do I'll make sure the Tooth Fairy takes you to the big tooth house in the sky and you get to eat all the sweets you want after that. Thank you!
We Strongly Dislike You,
Lizzie Sue's Mommy & Daddy

Ok Daddy's Daddy mentioned at the beginning of the post, Grammie Sue and Gramps are here visiting for the week. They haven't seen you since February for your Baptism. Of course they have seen the youtube videos and the facebook pictures but that's just not the same. Needless to say they have both been super excited to hold you, love you, make you laugh, make you smile, spoil you, tickle you, play with you, even give you a bottle, yet they seem to always leave the stinky diaper changes to Daddy....what's up with that? You even got a visit from Uncle Jimmy's father today as well. He brought you a beautiful Red Sox cheerleaders outfit. There was also a Tom Brady jersey that Daddy's going to bury under the house. Daddy could bury it in the back yard but he'd be worried a tree would grow in the place and many years from now instead of apples or some other good fruit blooming, a bunch of video cameras would start to appear and start taping our every play.

Oh and Daddy can't forget that you now have a cousin. Aunt Julia and Uncle Jamie had a baby girl on Friday at 11:39pm, Brooklyn Juliette King, and if Aunt Julie could have held out for 21 minutes, Brooklyn could have had the same birthday as Grammie Sue. Daddy guesses we'll not hold that one against Aunt Julia. Hopefully later this summer we'll make it down to NJ so you can meet your cousin.

Daddy will have to make a post next week about all your fun adventures with Grammie Sue and Gramps. Daddy is sure we'll have some fun stories to write about after this week...

We Love You,

Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, May 17, 2009

20 weeks, teeth read blogs???, Uncle Whitney's Grad, and the next tooth already?

Dear Lizzie Sue,

A couple of days ago you were 20 weeks old...yeah Daddy was a major slacker this week. He blames the season finale of Lost...don't worry when you get older I'll show you the first season and it too shall consume your life with you trying to figure out what is really happening on that show. Anyway Daddy digresses back to your 20 weeks old post.

Apparently teeth can read blogs...and now I owe you a pony ride because your first tooth finally made its appearance last weekend. After a very rough couple of days, Mommy and Daddy, both very tired, woke up early Saturday morning to drive to Uncle Whitney's college graduation to find your front right tooth looking back at us. Here is Daddy's best attempt at getting a picture of this special occasion, everyone out there in Lizzie Sue paparazzi-land will have to take my word that there really is a tooth in there.

Uncle Whitney's graduation was fun as we did some of our longest driving with you that day and you did very well all things considered. You pretty much slept almost the entire time whenever we had you strapped into the car seat. This trip showed Mommy and Daddy it is possible to travel with you long distances and it also means a trip to NJ this summer will still be an adventure.

So this morning Mommy and Daddy walked out of church. Not because we weren't happy with the service, or because someone sat in our place in our pew, but because we were losing a battle with teething. Yes Daddy is still talking about teething, apparently after your first tooth comes in, the rest don't magically appear overnight. So once again Mommy and Daddy are back to taking care of a very fussy baby. It looks like your front left tooth didn't like being without Righty so its on its way in as well. Before we left church Daddy got the best teething/parenting advice he has ever received. The magic cure to teething is Black Berry Brandy, apparently Daddy is supposed to put a little on his finger, rub it on your gums, and then drink the rest of the bottle himself. We will have to try that teething remedy before your last tooth decides to join the teeth party in your mouth.

A week from today you'll be 5 months and Daddy will talk about your 4 month doctor visit, shots, and Grammie Sue's reaction to seeing you this coming Saturday!

We Love You,

Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Hurry up tooth, come out to play", videos and 19 weeks!!!

Dear Lizzie Sue,

Today you are 19 weeks old. Pretty crazy huh? Almost 20 weeks which really isn't that significant of a number except 20 is nice and round and even and 19 just seems like almost 20. Of course when talking about years, 19 or 20 both really are teases until you turn 21. Then it's all down hill from there.

A few posts ago Daddy mentioned we think you are teething, these last few weeks have left no doubt in our mind. At this point your bottom front tooth is so close to coming out to play that Mommy and Daddy are willing to rent pony rides just to make the play date happen. You have had your good and bad moments lately with this whole teething experience. Daddy's knuckle is still hoping you'll soon choose the teething ring over it one of these days. Everyone keeps saying that once the first tooth shows up the rest are a piece of cake after that. Daddy's keeping his fingers crossed, both that it's true and that if your teeth do make cake appear, that it's ice cream cake!

A few people have asked to see all the Lizzie Sue video's we have on youtube. I figured instead of embedding them all here on the blog, I'd just put the link to all 5 of the videos. The first 3 videos were from your first couple of weeks home with Mommy and Daddy. The 2 recent videos were from a few weeks ago with Mommy and Daddy giving you raspberries in an attempt to get you to laugh on camera. Of course you thwarted our plans that day and only giggled, no real laughs, yet still they are great videos.

What's that Lizzie? Oh people should bookmark the link as Daddy will keep putting more videos on there over time...ok good idea...see she is a smart cookie...gets that from Mommy of course!

We Love You,

Mommy & Daddy